February 2019

Arrived two days ago after being solo a fairly long while on Burden Lake.  
This year health issues complicated things, both the issues caused by things falling apart and the need to coordinate doctor's visits.  I could not decide what to do and wrestled with it daily.
I also did not want to spoil Elizabeth's break.  It has been a long run, and she is understandably tired.
However, she encouraged me to come and assured me the place would accommodate my need to sleep often much of the day and my inability to do things or lack of energy to do them.  I do think the anemic stuff is improving, but I dropped the iron because all of a sudden I started to blow up like a huge balloon.  Something is wrong.  
I've changed my diet based on food recommendations on the internet, dropped selzer and alcohol and a whole bunch of healthy food that causes this condition.  I see the gastrointestinal doctor on March 13 and making the appointment so far out allowed me to come here for three weeks.
So far I've been comfortable enough.  I tolerated both oysters and stone crab, so that is a good thing.  Elizabeth made a fine pork roll and that tasted good and went down easy.  
I seem to have some constipation, but I can't tell if it that or just a slow down because I'm eating less and practially no fiber.  I took one ex lax and will take another tomorrow if the prune juice I'll be getting does not do the trick.  
Today at Beall's I bought new shorts and shirts because nothing fits me.  I ordered two pair of pants as well.  They should arrive Thursday and be ready for me to go to the Moose dance if I go.  
My mind is willing, but then it gets to be 7 PM and I'm ready to go to bed.
We most likely will go to Hawthorne for the dance there on Saturday. 

This house is just beautiful and very comfortable.  Hardly anyone else is in this complex because they are Tampa people who come in the summer to cool off.  
There is a fine pond right in front of the screened porch.  There are some no-see-ums, but there are not too bad.  They do get into the porch, so we abandoned it tonight as the light faded.
Alligators are in the pond.  Very small, about two feet or so.  

My flight down was very easy.  Anita drove me to the airport and dropped me off early so there was no hassle with security.  I am thinking of buying the four year TSA prescreened pass so as not to have to take so much apart.  I feared my pants would fall down.

Young's was not helpful at getting me what I needed for here, so part way through the month I'll be asking CVS down here to get the script from Young's, or perhaps from my doctor and filling my prescription.  After I get home, I'll switch to CVS for all meds.  Once in one store's system, it is networked to other stores, so there is no hassle.  They also remember the date it can be refilled and automatically refill it.  I just have to pick it up.

Young's does nothing for me, and the woman is rather snippy.

We took things from Susan's today and brought them back here to unpack.  We won't take too much North with us, but we will take a few things.   Then we will run the rest down to a local thrift store.  Sad.  However, we don't intend to stay for full winters anymore, and we can manage to get buy with what the rental gives us, especially if we come to this place again.  Everything is here. 


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